
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Books Not Bombs

Investing in girls is the most effective way to fight terrorism.  Teaching girls to read and write reduces the ignorance that fuel religious extremism and lays a groundwork for prosperity and peace.  
Greg Mortenson and the Central Asian Institute (CAI) have been building schools mostly for girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  Greg Mortenson has even consulted with the US Military about his approach to finding peace. The US Military has embraced Mortenson’s philosophy that the real long-term Foreign Policy fix in Pakistan and Afghanistan’s tribal areas that nurture terrorism is to educate girls.  
CAI’s approach is more effective and costs substantially less than past US Military approaches.  Building school instead of dropping bombs has proven to be much better avenue toward peace.
To learn more about Greg Mortenson and CAI read “Three Cups of Tea”--One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace...Once School at a Time.